BoardReader.Com was developed to address the shortcomings of current search engine technology to accurately find and display information contained on the Web's forums and message boards. Founded in May 2000 by engineers and students from the University of Michigan, Boardreader uses proprietary software that allows users to search multiple message boards simultaneously, allowing users to share information in a truly global sense.Its Focus
Boardreader is focused on creating the largest repository of searchable information for our users. We also strive to increase traffic and exposure for the individual forum and message board.By creating an interface that corresponds with multiple boards simultaneously, users can find answers to their questions from others who share similar interests. Our goal is to allow our users to search the "human to human" discussions that exist on the Internet.
Its Technology
Boardreader is focused on creating the largest repository of searchable information for our users. We also strive to increase traffic and exposure for the individual forum and message board.
By creating an interface that corresponds with multiple boards simultaneously, users can find answers to their questions from others who share similar interests. Our goal is to allow our users to search the "human to human" discussions that exist on the Internet.
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